As a 20-year retiree who is still find vestiges of chalk dust and overhead projector pen ink among her boxes of stuff, I strongly support this approach. It is much more engaging for both the teacher and the students and offers multiple pathways for deeper learning. While I have no proof of this, it seems much more difficult to "tune out" of group work if you are standing with your partners than if you are sitting with them. Sitters can slouch, close eyes, daydream...all things that are much more difficult to do standing up. I think psychologically a young person is more mentally engaged when part of a standing active group than with a sitting more passive one. (Have you found the to be the case?)

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Yes it does help make the passive sitter engage. I have watched students with their head down start actively engaging when they see that we are working on the white boards. It is an exciting time in education!!

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